Green healing powers: stay healthy at all times

Long strolls in the forest:

a real treat for body, mind and soul

at any time.

“Vitamin green” time|How to strengthen your resilience and your immune system

Simply and effectively take “vitamin green time and breathe in natural health

Even though the pandemic seems to be over, the recommendation of many doctors remains the same: take long walks in a forest to strengthen the immune system, boost vitality - and quite simply to aerate the lungs with fresh oxygen. This is entirely in line with teachings of forest medicine, an interdisciplinary field of research that has been investigating the conditions under which stays in the forest have a health-promoting and even healing effect for decades.

“Vitamin green” time

Health-promoting and healing

The immunologist Dr. Qing. Li, founder of Forest Medicine and clinical professor at the Nippon Medical School, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, recommends Shinrin Yoku - a special form of forest sojourn for health purposes - for another reason: being in the forest, which we often call forest bathing, increases the number and activity of our natural killer cells, extremely important cells of our immune system, which always come into play when there are no specialists available to fight virus- or cancer-infected body cells.

Enjoying nature

Nourishment for body, mind and soul

According to the findings of PNI (psychoneuroimmunology), the mental state has an extraordinary influence on the immune system. In particular, people who are under chronic stress are less able to withstand attacks from viruses and other illnesses. The more relaxed, balanced and content we are, the greater our chances of staying healthy and, in many cases, becoming healthy. My book IM-WALD-SEIN also delves into this topic. You can purchase it right here.


Refresh your senses with “vitamin green

We often try to influence our emotional state through positive thinking and good beliefs. But especially in times of crisis, it is very difficult to find a positive way of thinking and feeling. No doubt you have also experienced situations in which, no matter how positively you think, you still have a bad gut feeling that it just doesn't feel right. This is where natural stimuli and your breathing can be the most powerful force that helps you to control your emotions. You can find lots of inspiration here.

Thats how it works

Get started right away with this exercise!

The following exercise is particularly effective: instead of keeping the inhalation and exhalation times the same, change the rhythm and give the exhalation more time. Breathe in for 3 seconds, and out for 6 seconds, but allow yourself a 1 second break in between. I personally practize a 4-8-2 rhythm. It is important that you are in your own comfort zone, because this breathing exercise is actually cardiovascular training. You can find more exercises here (if you are an audible learner) or here (if you are a visual learner).

Green healing powers

All-round equipped and refreshed

Being in the forest, in the park, or in nature gives us many positive thoughts and feelings. So does the right breathing technique. What's more, the forest air is full of bioactive secondary plant substances that can significantly strengthen our immune system. Let's utilise the green healing power! Curious to find out more? Here are some further links:

Time out[side] in the forest and in the city|Inspiration


The effective forest health training

Are you looking for more motivation or are reluctant to want to set off into the countryside alone to discover forest bathing inspired by the Japanese Shinrin Yoku?

Forest health expert Dr. Melanie H. Adamek and mindfulness coach Anja Römer accompany you through nature in this original forest bathing program and show you effective techniques to relax, feel happier and breathe deeply.

Download here
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