Media reviews on mha@imwaldsein

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Forests’ whispers from the online forest

| “Forest health expert Dr. Melanie H. Adamek inspired the audience with her forest therapy lecture at the Hüttenbühl rehabilitation center of the German Pension Insurance in mid-July 2020.” More

| “The window gymnasts. Munich resident brings neighbors together with exercises.” The newspapers Münchner Merkur and the tz-Munich reported on April 24, 2020 about the “Forest in the City” campaign by Dr. Melanie H. Adamek.

| “The author, Dr. Adamek, has succeeded in creating inspiring, scientifically sound, industry-standard work on forest bathing, and her work aids in making forest bathing an everyday experience for not just ordinary individuals, but also for therapists and coaches. In her book Im Wald Sein (Being in the Forest) you can find out more about the fascinating practical test carried out by Dr. Adamek with 12 test subjects on the topic of forest bathing.” More

| “How to perform forest bathing? What does the practice look like and how good or important are the courses? Dr. Melanie Adamek, author of the book Im Wald Sein (Being in the Forest), has taken a closer look at forest bathing under medical supervision and based on Dr. Qing Li's research and results.” More

| “Just a one day stay in a forest can drastically increase the number of, and the activity of human immune system's killer cells - increased stays in forests can cause further positive effects. This is proved by the results of an experiment by forest health expert Melanie Adamek. Forest bathing is a natural option for arming yourself against infectious diseases such as Covid-19.” More

| “Forest health expert and author Dr. Melanie H. Adamek has conducted her own forest bathing experiment to retrace the effects of Shinrin Yoku on the immune system.” More

| “One of the positive effects of Shinrin Yoku is that the number of, and the activity of our NK cells,  i.e. the natural killer cells of our immune system, can increase by more than 30 percent through a well-guided stay in a forest – starting from your very first forest bathing session!, emphasizes Dr. Melanie H. Adamek. The leading expert has researched the topic intensively, compiled a comprehensive compendium and investigated the health effects in her own experiment.” More

| “Strongly inspired by the research for her book (IM-WALD-SEIN. Entdeckung eines Präventionskonzepts), Melanie Adamek has tested the health effects of forests with a group of 12 people. As a result, the IM-WALD-SEIN audio guide was created.” More

| “Anyone wishing to experience health benefits from forest bathing will receive competent guidance with this program on how to plan such a day in the forest and find the all-important relaxation.” More

Many thanks to all reviewers!

Here is a small selection of reviews.

Bü – The meeting place for book lovers concludes: “The author, Dr. Adamek, has succeeded in creating inspiring, scientifically sound, industry-standard work on forest bathing, and her work aids in making forest bathing an everyday experience for not just ordinary individuals, but also for therapists and coaches.” takes up Dr. Melanie Adamek's call for us to spend more time in the forests and says: “In her holistic concept of 'Being in the Forest', she she vividly demonstrates how to make good use of time in a forest for positive effects on physical and mental well-being.”

The alternative practitioners forum writes about the book 'IM-WALD-SEIN' (Being in the Forest): “Very informative and entertaining, scientific background well prepared, with many suggestions for reflection and implementation.”

Blog Pamelopee writes: “The almost 400-page book definitely whets the appetite for the forest and, in my opinion, is complemented superbly by the CD of the same name, 'BEING IN THE FOREST', which sees itself as an 'audio guide' for individual forest moments.”

Horizont (Budni) – Romy Kaltrummer introduces the non-fiction book and finds: “The book 'Being in the Forest' explains how forest bathing works.”

Kassandra1010 on lovely books: “With Dr. Melanie H. Adamek, the reader goes into the forest in a completely different way.”

Landshuter Zeitung: “Melanie H. Adamek has written a scientific study on the healing power of the forest.”

The Mittelbadische Presse writes: “'A place where health slumbers', this is what author Melanie H. Adamek, a doctor of law, publisher and author, calls the forest, which contains unimagined healing powers. Of course, Shinrin Yoku - forest bathing - originating in Japan has also been known to us for years. But Adamek is now providing scientific and personal proof that regular regular time spent in the forest can prevent or alleviate lifestyle related diseases.”

Michael Lehmann-Pape on lovely books: “The book is not simplistically written in a dry and abstract way, but is presented to the reader in a lively manner, and sometimes in an astonishingly expert and careful way as part of an individuals’ own experiences. And, above all, it convincingly motivates the reader to follow their own experiences, guided by the many impulses in the book, 'it is worth visiting the forest in a new way'. Because even a walk, as beneficial as it may already be, can be greatly enhanced in terms of perception and as a preventative measure with simple but effective forms of attentive contemplation for the well-being of body and soul.”

Sabrina's Book World: “Anyone who wants to find out more about this topic and would like to hear expert opinions on the subject should take a closer look at 'Being in the Forest', because the topic is truly described and explained in a comprehensive manner. It is also very varied thanks to the participants in the experiment and the experts who have their say. The pictures of the forest and meadows and the experiments also liven things up and round everything off nicely.”

The lifestyle magazine Life on reports: “Forest health expert Dr Melanie H. Adamek impressed with her forest therapy lecture at the Hüttenbühl rehabilitation centre of the German Pension Insurance in mid-July 2020.”

“In Japan, the birthplace of Shinrin Yoku (forest bathing), the regenerative power of the forest has been utilized for generations. With her non-fiction book 'BEING IN THE FOREST. The natural answer to psychological stress and lifestyle related diseases. Discovery of a health prevention concept' Dr. Melanie H. Adamek aims to reawaken awareness of the healing effects of the forest.” writes make yourself move

“This richly illustrated volume is a successful blend of scientific material and entertaining experiences,” says, an association for decision-makers, doers... personalities who want to get ahead. A strong network with a focus on further training, personnel and organizational development.

Preußische Allgemeine Zeitung: “The book features doctors and other scientists from Japan and the USA who have long been investigating the healing power of spending time in the forest. According to the author, contemplating nature evokes positive physical and mental reactions. Richly illustrated, this book invites you to rediscover our natural world and perhaps to carry out a practical test yourself from time to time.”

Blogger Tina tested the book out in nature: “In 'Being in the Forest' by Dr. Melanie H. Adamek,there are plenty of ideas for your next forest trip. It can also inspire a 'forest stranger' to try it out and, with numerous medical and chemical trials performed during years of research in Japan, manages to get to the bottom of the topic of forest bathing. It is sufficiently and beautifully illustrated.” tinaliestvor

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